The Five Eyes Alliance is a very discreet intelligence-gathering agreement between five major Anglophone countries: the U.S., the U.K., Australia, Canada and New Zealand. It was created during the Cold War with the former Soviet Union. But it is currently in turmoil over the five nations’ relations with China. The Alliance has existed in its … Continue reading “Five Eyes”
A slideshow, an article and a video to explain the United Nations General Assembly to your students, and let them see how young people can participate. This article from BBC children’s news programme Newsround does exactly what it says on the tin: explains “What is the United Nations”? The language is fairly simple. It’s usable … Continue reading “United Nations Webpicks”
From 19 to 25 September, the world’s leaders will take the lectern in New York for the 72nd General Assembly of the United Nations. Amongst the delegates seeing world diplomacy at work for the first time are young people from more than 35 countries. United Nations Youth Delegates bring young people’s issues to the Assembly, … Continue reading “Young People Represent Their Countries at the U.N.”