Andres Serrano: Portraits of America Teachers’ Days

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 16 May 2024 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

The latest photography exhibition at the Musée Maillol in Paris is Andres Serrano: Portraits of America, and the museum is organising three teachers’ days, when you can visit for free. Serrano has tackled some tough subjects, like the Ku Klux Klan, so a pre-visit can let you prepare what you would like pupils to concentrate … Continue reading “Andres Serrano: Portraits of America Teachers’ Days”

David Hockney: Pop Art in Aix-en-Provence

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 07 February 2023 > What's On

The British Tate museum has a large collection of David Hockney’s work. A large selection from the collection is on view in Aix-en-Provence, a great opportunity to appreciate the variety of Britain’s most famous pop artist, from his California swimming-pool paintings to collages, portraits and objects. Hockney was born in Yorkshire in 1937, and despite … Continue reading “David Hockney: Pop Art in Aix-en-Provence”

Your Students Have So Much Talent

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 04 February 2022 > Pedagogy

Thank you so much to all the dedicated teachers who sent in the stories their students wrote inspired by Vivian Maier’s photographs. We received thousands of stories and they are incredibly imaginative! And we’ve chosen our favourites for publication. We asked students to write an imaginative piece inspired by one of Maier’s photos, which are … Continue reading “Your Students Have So Much Talent”

Photographing the Modern

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 03 November 2021 > Shine Bright Lycée What's On

The interwar period was a highly creative time for the relatively young art of photography. An exhibition at the Jeu de Paume in Paris features an extraordinary collection of photographs from New York’s Museum of Modern Art. Some 230 photographs from the Thomas Walther collection, acquired over the last 20 years, give an overview of … Continue reading “Photographing the Modern”

Creative Writing Competition: Vivian Maier’s Photography

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 30 September 2021 > Pedagogy

Vivian Maier’s extraordinary photos of New York and Chicago streets, portraits and self-portraits, were discovered by chance in 2007. A selection is currently on show at the Musée du Luxembourg in Paris and we’d like to challenge your pupils to write stories inspired by the images. This competition is now closed. Thank you so much … Continue reading “Creative Writing Competition: Vivian Maier’s Photography”

Vivian Maier: Portraits of America and Self

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 23 September 2021 > What's On

Vivian Maier is now considered a major American photographer but she never published her work and died in obscurity, not knowing the interest her work would provoke. Maier was born in New York City in 1926. She spent her childhood and early twenties between the States and France, her mother’s home country. She returned to … Continue reading “Vivian Maier: Portraits of America and Self”

Pupils’ Portrait Winners

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 06 December 2018 > Pedagogy

Back at the beginning of the school year, we launched three pupil competitions. The A1+ level competition was to write a 50-word text about a special image, like “The People’s Portrait” we featured in September. We were absolutely inundated with replies for the three competitions, which we are slowly working through. Please apologise to your … Continue reading “Pupils’ Portrait Winners”