Thank you so much to all the dedicated teachers who sent in the stories their students wrote inspired by Vivian Maier's photographs. We received thousands of stories and they are incredibly imaginative! And we’ve chosen our favourites for publication.
We asked students to write an imaginative piece inspired by one of Maier's photos, which are on show in an exhibition. For example to imagine what is happening in the image (or what happened before or after). And boy did they rise to the challenge!
We chose our favourite stories by level, from A2 all the way up to the end of lycée. It was incredibly difficult to choose, there were so many amazing stories. Please thank all your pupils, whether they were chosen for publication or not.
The stories by level can be found by following these links:
A2 and those who chose the 100-word limit
Collège B1
C1 LLCER and European sections
Many of you said you had really enjoyed discovering Maier's work and some had been lucky enough to be able to take their classes to the exhibition. If you are in or near Brittany, you may be able to see the two further exhibitions that have just opened in Quimper and Pont Aven.

Copyright(s) :
All images:
© Estate of Vivian Maier, Courtesy of Maloof Collection and Howard Greenberg Gallery, NY
> Vivian Maier: Portraits of America and Self
> Vivian Maier in Brittany
> Dorothea Lange Creative Writing Winners
> Creative Writing Competition: Vivian Maier’s Photography
> Vivian Maier Winners A2
> Vivian Maier Winners C1
> Vivian Maier Winners Collège B1
> Vivian Maier Winners Première
> Vivian Maier Winners Seconde
> Vivian Maier Winners Terminale
Tag(s) : "creative writing" "exhibition" "photography" "portrait" "self-portrait" "Shine bright LLCER" "street photography" "students have talent" "U.S. history" "Vivian Maier"