To mark the centenary of the end of the First World War, Peter Jackson has restored old black-and-white archive footage of British servicemen’s life in the trenches. He has colourised it, and has asked lip-readers to help dub in what the soldiers were actually saying. The film’s title refers to a poem by Robert Binyon … Continue reading “They Shall Not Grow Old Film: Bringing WWI to Life”
This A2+ level article is an opportunity to mention the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI and see how Anglophone countries commemorate their fallen soldiers. It can be used as additional input to what the students study in History. It can also raise the interest of some students to watch the archive film “They … Continue reading “Remembering British WWI Soldiers”
The Invictus Games, initiated by Prince Harry for injured service people, is in Sydney, Australia for its fourth edition from 20 to 27 October. It is especially poignant in the weeks before the commemoration of the end of the First World War. Prince Harry served in the British Armed Forces for ten years. In 2013, … Continue reading “Game On Down Under”
Mes classes de 5e ont eu la formidable opportunité de pouvoir visiter Amsterdam, dans l’objectif de découvrir le lieu où Anne Frank a vécu. Une des leçons essentielles qu’ils ont retenues de la lecture du journal et de la visite de sa cachette est ‟n’oublions jamais ce qu’il s’est passé ici”. Le thème de la mémoire … Continue reading “Albums de souvenir”
Armistice Day, or Remembrance Day, commemorates the end of World War I on “the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month”: 11 November 1918. In the UK, Canada and Australia, it is synonymous with the Poppy Appeal to raise money for war veterans. This page written for British primary school kids has a very easy … Continue reading “Poppy Day on the Web”
The Battle of the Somme in 1916 was a tragic turning point in World War One for British and Empire forces. There are many on-going commemorations planned from 1 July to 18 November. And the British Legion, British Council and other organisations have prepared excellent tools to help teachers use this theme in the classroom. … Continue reading “Battle of the Somme WWI Webpicks”
Les commémorations actuelles du centenaire de la première guerre mondiale sont une occasion parfaite pour construire des séquences mêlant histoire et culture. Le projet Remembrance, destiné aux 3èmes, organisé avec la collaboration d’un collègue en histoire et en partenariat avec un établissement européen, permet aux élèves de deux pays de communiquer régulièrement tout au long … Continue reading “Projet du souvenir: les champs de bataille de la Première guerre mondiale”
The Battle of the Somme in 1916 was a tragic turning point in World War One for British and Empire forces. There are many on-going commemorations planned from 1 July to 18 November. And the British Legion, British Council and other organisations have prepared excellent tools to help teachers use this theme in the classroom. … Continue reading “Battle of the Somme WWI Webpicks”