100 Million Trees

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 09 April 2024 > In the News Shine Bright Lycée

The Kenyan government wants its people to plant 100 million trees to regreen the country. They even have a new tree-planting holiday. And the ultimate goal is much bigger: to plant 15 billion trees in 10 years. The JazaMiti initiative, which means “fill with trees” in Swahili,  aims to help tackle climate change. As in … Continue reading “100 Million Trees”

Commonwealth Young Person of the Year 2023

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 15 September 2023 > In the News Shine Bright Collège

The Commonwealth Youth Awards honour young people from around the world for their work trying to advance one or more of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This year’s winner, Maya Kirti Nanan from Trinidad and Tobago, founded an organisation to help people with autism in her Caribbean island home.  The Commonwealth is a voluntary association … Continue reading “Commonwealth Young Person of the Year 2023”

The Earthshot Prizes: Class of 2022

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 16 December 2022 > In the News Shine Bright Lycée

The British Royal Foundation is awarding five Earthshot prizes a year till 2030 for innovative ideas to help the planet. The 2022 winners were announced at a ceremony in Boston, Massachusetts, on 2 December hosted by Prince William. The winning projects are based in Australia, Britain, India, Kenya and Oman.  The first Earthshot Prizes were … Continue reading “The Earthshot Prizes: Class of 2022”

The Earthshot Prizes

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 20 October 2021 > In the News Shine Bright Lycée

The British Royal Foundation is awarding five prizes a year till 2030 for innovative ideas to help the planet. The Earthshot prizes have been named in reference to President Kennedy’s Moonshot project which concentrated innovators’ energies on putting a human on the Moon in the 1960s. Prince William explained that the aim of the Earthshots … Continue reading “The Earthshot Prizes”

Extinction Rebellion Short Film

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 18 October 2021 >

The Extinction Rebellion ecological movement first came to prominence in 2019 when after 11 days of protests it persuaded the British government to declare a state of ecological emergency. This twelve-minute-long film starring Emma Thompson is a fiction based on real events and was shot during the 2019 protests in an eco-friendly sustainable way. It … Continue reading “Extinction Rebellion Short Film”

David Attenborough: People’s Advocate for the Planet

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 15 October 2021 > In the News Shine Bright Lycée

Sir David Attenborough has fascinated viewers around the world for decades with his documentary series like The Blue Planet and Life on Earth. Now the 95-year-old naturalist is using his communication skills to try to explain the complex issues to be tackled the United Nations’ COP26 environmental summit in Glasgow from 31 October. Attenborough was … Continue reading “David Attenborough: People’s Advocate for the Planet”

Bigger Than Us

Posted by Speakeasy News > Sunday 10 October 2021 > Shine Bright Lycée What's On

This inspiring documentary features teen activists around the world who see a problem and try to fix it. From Malawi to Colorado they are fighting pollution, opposing child marriage, supporting education, freedom of speech and sustainable agriculture and demanding rights for the planet and indigenous people. Melati Wijsen and her sister founded Bye Bye Plastic … Continue reading “Bigger Than Us”

Create a Poster: Halloween

Posted by Speakeasy News > Saturday 09 October 2021 > Celebrate

We have a teacher recommendation for a site for creating posters for your classroom, and an example of a poster on the theme of Halloween to use in collège to work on the BE+ing present and reading comprehension around this celebration. Plus a worksheet on Halloween celebrations from A2, with a focus on the plastic … Continue reading “Create a Poster: Halloween”

Mount Recyclemore

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 11 June 2021 > In the News

This giant sculpture has been installed as a message to the G7 leaders meeting for a summit in Cornwall, England. It’s made entirely of electronic waste and is designed to draw attention to the environmental problems caused by the 53 million tonnes of phones, tablets, computers and other electronic devices discarded every year. The sculpture, … Continue reading “Mount Recyclemore”