We challenged your pupils to write stories inspired by Edward Hopper's paintings and we were incredibly impressed by the imagination they showed.
We got thousands and thousands of entries and it's taken a while to read them all, but we can now announce the authors of the winning texts.
We've split them into pages by level, we hope you'll enjoy reading them!
Collège A2
Collège B1
Lycée B1
B1 plus
And a few outsize stories!
We contacted all the teachers of the winners for whom we had email addresses. If we weren't able to contact you and there are any errors in the way we have identified your pupil(s), please contact us so we can change them.
Thank you to all the pupils who participated, and to all the energetic teachers who encouraged them!
Copyright(s) :
Edward Hopper, Room in New York, 1932. Oil on canvas, 29 × 36 in. (73.7 × 91.4 cm). Sheldon Museum of Art, University of Nebraska—Lincoln; Anna R. and Frank M. Hall Charitable Trust. © 2022 Heirs of Josephine N. Hopper/Licensed by Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
> Creative Writing Competition: Edward Hopper
> Dorothea Lange Creative Writing Winners
> Your Students Have So Much Talent
> Edward Hopper Winners A2
> Edward Hopper Winners Collège B1
> Edward Hopper Winners Lycée B1
> Edward Hopper Winners B1 plus
> Edward Hopper Winners B2
> Edward Hopper Winners C1
> Edward Hopper Winners Outsize
> Biobox: Edward Hopper
> Dorothea Lange: Politics of Seeing
Tag(s) : "art" "creative writing" "Edward Hopper" "exhibition" "New York" "realism" "students have talent" "U.S. art" "U.S. culture" "U.S. history" "urban life"