In our series "Your Students Have Talent", check out these amazing book trailers created by 1ère AMC students for their revisited versions of Frankenstein!
The students from Lycée Louis Bescan in Rambouillet (78) worked on Frankenstein as part of a sequence on transhumanism. They were challenged in groups to come up with updated versions of Mary Shelley's classic, and as their final task, to create a trailer for each revisited version. As well as their imagination for the reworkings, the students clearly studied the conventions for trailers, with pithy onscreen text, suspenseful music and right down to the credits at the end!
Tag(s) : "examples of students' work" "final task" "Frankenstein" "gothic fiction" "Mary Shelley" "science-fiction" "Shine bright 4e" "Shine Bright AMC" "Shine bright LLCER" "students have talent" "trailer" "transhumanism" "videos"