And in our series Your Students Have Talent, here are three excellent song lyrics written for Shine Bright Terminale Short File 20 Chicago Swing, considering how the city of Chicago uses music as a means of inclusion in a very multicultural urban space.
Thank you to Lounès, Flavie and Rosalie for their excellent lyrics.
Chicago’s melody
I was born in the USA
All is closed, even a way
But I came to Chicago
I couldn’t believe what I saw :
Everybody screaming “Hello”!
Diversity in every “Yo”!
I looked around and I said:
Chicago, you are the city
Where there is Jazz and symphony
Where there is blues and great opera
Chicago, you’re an orchestra
There are also many dancers
Who are going with all these groovers
Every silence screams “entertain us !”
In every street, if you listen,
There are mixes in every band
Everybody wants you to
do like them, to sing and dance too !
Chicago, you are the city
Where there is Jazz and symphony
Where there is blues and great opera
Chicago, you’re an orchestra
Chicago, your culture is so strong,
(For example you have Louis Armstrong),
That, for me to hear this melody,
I want to stay in this symphony
To say what you think you are free
Now I want Chicago to be
The start of the world’s harmony
Chicago, you are the cityWhere there is Jazz and symphonyWhere there is blues and great operaChicago, you’re an orchestra
Chicago, city of my dreams
Chicago, you are the city
Where the dreams come true,
Where my dreams come true.
Yeah, Chicago, you are the city
Where the dreams come true,
Where everybody is happy.
When I want to cry, you are my tissue.
When I arrived, I was afraid of my differences,
I was afraid, but I forgot that you were the city of tolerance.
You are the most multicultural city I know,
You give everyone a chance to grow.
Chicago, you are the city
Where the dreams come true,
Where my dreams come true.
Jazz, hiplet, Chicago Sinfonietta,
Everybody can do and be what they want.
You respect, protect and love them, even if they’re different,
Like if they were Italians who didn’t like pizza.
As a city, you are very life-changing,
Everybody is dancing and singing.
Bridging the gender gap, you’re so modern,
Youth is so thankful, they live in you and not in a farm.
Chicago, you are the city
Where the dreams come true,
Where my dreams come true.
I think music is more powerful than words,
And you Chicago, you, you are my entire world.
I love your traditions, your beautiful bizarreness,
It’s essential for me to walk in your streets, and feel your happiness.
But I want to you to stay as open-minded as you are
I want you to allow people to do what they want,
Without, being afraid of their differences.
Oh Chicago, please, stay the cityWhere the dreams come true,Where my dreams come true.
Dear Chicago
Chicago you are my home
Chicago you are my nation
You have my heart thanks to your unexpected tradition
Where all the communities can join the celebration
You have my heart thanks to your fantastic ethnicity
Where everybody plays an important role in the multicultural society
You have my heart thanks to your open-minded population
Where respect, mutual help and support are present in every situation.
Chicago you are my home
Chicago you are my nation
You have my heart thanks to your professional musicians
Where your blues is more symbolic than religions
You have my heart thanks to your beautiful bizarreness
Where only one word doesn’t exist : sadness
You have my heart thanks to your silent melody
Where the fantastic motto is : « let’s do the party »
Chicago you are my home
Chicago you are my nation
You have my heart thanks to your incredible light
Where everyone is a magic part of the sunlight
You have my heart thanks to your music, my passion
Where I take my daily inspiration
You have my heart thanks to your incredible dimensions
Where all the kids develop their imagination
Chicago you are my homeChicago you are my nation
Chicago you are my lungs and my breathing
You are my everything and my nothing,
I love you.
Your students have talent, too!
We are always happy to celebrate students' work at any class level. If you have examples you would like to share, please send them to us, letting us know about the task pupils were responding to.
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petrafler/Adobe Stock
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Tag(s) : "Chicago" "diversity" "examples of students' work" "inclusion" "jazz" "lyrics" "music" "Shine bright Ter" "songwriting" "students have talent"