Your Students Have Talent: War Will Not Tear Us Apart

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 10 October 2019 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

We always love to read students' work. Here are some poems pupils wrote as their final task in a sequence from Shine Bright LLCER:  File 5 War Will Not Tear Us Apart.

In this sequence for Première LLCER,  in  the theme Rencontres Axe 1  L'amour et l'amitié, students considered how World War I intensified human relationships in Britain and its empire. As their final task, they were asked imagine they were a novelist writing a historical novel about WWI and imagine the letter their hero or heroine could have written to the person he or she loved the most, inspired by the letters and poems Vera Brittain and Roland Leighton wrote to each other when they were a nurse and a soldier in the war.

Here are a couple of great letters by students at Lycée Ernest Ferroul, Lézignan-Corbières  (11).

A rolled up letter to a WWI loved one.

A rPages of a letter to a WWI loved one.


Your students have talent, too!
We are always happy to celebrate students' work at any class level. If you have examples you would like to share, please send them to us, letting us know about the task pupils were responding to.

Ready to Use Downloadable resources ready to use in class
> 1917
> They Shall Not Grow Old Film: Bringing WWI to Life
Downloadable resources ready to use in class
> Tolkien, War and Fellowship
Thème(s) : "Rencontres"