Basic Income: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 17 March 2017 > In the News

Canada pioneered an experiment on a universal basic income for all citizens in the 1970s. Now, one province, Ontario, has promised another trial. And other countries or regions are also toying with a basic income for all. In 1974, when Pierre Trudeau was Prime Minister, the federal government and Manitoba Province launched a four-year minimum … Continue reading “Basic Income: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?”

From Penguins to Steampunk…

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 20 February 2017 > In the News

Oamaru, a town in New Zealand, is famous for its historical white stone architecture and Blue Penguin Colony. But penguins are not the only reason to stay a while in Oamaru. This town is also famous for its Steampunk Festival, its associated Guinness World Record and because it is now considered as the “Steampunk capital … Continue reading “From Penguins to Steampunk…”

Computers Learn from the Language of Love

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 10 February 2017 > In the News

Reading romance novels is a relaxing activity for millions around the world. But could it also be a way for computers and robots to become more human? Researchers at Google’s Brain division have been feeding thousands of romance novels into working an artificial intelligence (AI) system to try to encourage the system used in search … Continue reading “Computers Learn from the Language of Love”

A Giant Fell

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 02 February 2017 > In the News

The iconic Pioneer Cabin Tree, a giant sequoia tree with a tunnel carved through its base, fell on Sunday 8 January during heavy rains. The tree’s home was in Calaveras Big Trees State Park, 100 miles southeast of Sacramento, California. The giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) can grow taller than 100 yards, or more than the length … Continue reading “A Giant Fell”

Supreme Court Rules on Brexit Launch

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 24 January 2017 > In the News

Britain’s Supreme Court has ruled that Parliament must vote on the government’s plans to trigger Article 50 of Lisbon Treaty, to start the process of leaving the European Union. The Supreme Court was hearing the Government’s appeal against the October High Court ruling that the government couldn’t trigger Article 50 and start Brexit negotiations without … Continue reading “Supreme Court Rules on Brexit Launch”

Stephen Hawking at 75

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 20 January 2017 > In the News

Stephen Hawking is a phenomenal scientist and scientific phenomenon. He enjoys his unique position as a popular cultural icon as well as one of the most respected scientists of his generation. The man who doctors gave two years to live when he was 21 has just celebrated his 75th birthday. To coin a phrase from … Continue reading “Stephen Hawking at 75”

Women Unite

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 16 January 2017 > In the News

There will be a big event in Washington on 21 January. No, not the Inauguration. The day after Donald Trump enters the White House, women’s organisations are calling for women to mobilise to make it clear that they will defend their rights against any threat from the new administration. Donald Trump managed to offend many … Continue reading “Women Unite”

2020: The Year of Women

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 16 January 2017 > In the News

A campaign to get a woman honoured by featuring on an American banknote had even more success than the campaigners hoped. Both women and ethnic minority figures will feature on dollar bills by 2020, the centenary of women’s suffrage in the U.S.! National symbols are a wonderful way into discussing a country’s culture – and … Continue reading “2020: The Year of Women”

Everything You Need to Know About: U.S. Presidential Inaugurations

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 11 January 2017 > In the News

On Friday, 20 January, Donald Trump will become the 45th President of the United States at his Inauguration in Washington D.C. What does the Inauguration involve, who participates, and what does it cost? The first Inauguration was George Washington’s in New York in 1789. The newly independent United States hadn’t built its new federal capital … Continue reading “Everything You Need to Know About: U.S. Presidential Inaugurations”