Your Students Have Talent: War Will Not Tear Us Apart

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 10 October 2019 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

We always love to read students’ work. Here are some poems pupils wrote as their final task in a sequence from Shine Bright LLCER:  File 5 War Will Not Tear Us Apart. In this sequence for Première LLCER,  in  the theme Rencontres Axe 1  L’amour et l’amitié, students considered how World War I intensified human … Continue reading “Your Students Have Talent: War Will Not Tear Us Apart”

War Horse Play in Paris

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 20 September 2019 > Pedagogy

One of the biggest successes in British theatre in recent years will be on stage in Paris for the first time in November and December. The National Theatre’s production of War Horse by Michael Morpurgo is an emotional rollercoaster of a story about a teenage boy and his horse during the First World War. The … Continue reading “War Horse Play in Paris”

Language and Literature: English Speciality

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 31 July 2019 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

Are you teaching LLCER this year? We can help! Shine Bright 1e has four sequences covering both themes. Look out for LLCER resources on Speakeasy-news. And in November we’ll be publishing reading guides to four of the literary works on the curriculum. Watch our video to find out more!   You can find up-to-date resources … Continue reading “Language and Literature: English Speciality”

The Mouse Mansion: Working Across Languages or Between Classes

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 26 June 2019 > Pedagogy

Depuis plusieurs années avec les classes de 6ème, je faisais une séquence qui s’intitulait selon l’inspiration, my bedroom ou my ideal place et dont la tâche finale était une présentation orale en continu d’une boîte représentant ou bien leur chambre ou bien un lieu imaginaire ou réel. Voici un exemple de lieu créé par un … Continue reading “The Mouse Mansion: Working Across Languages or Between Classes”


Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 23 May 2019 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter notre nouvelle méthode d’anglais pour le lycée. Cliquez pour la découvrir en six indices : Comment aborder la réforme en anglais avec notre collection ? Voici en trois minutes chrono les réponses aux questions que vous vous posez !     Shine Bright News Vous rêviez d’une méthode qui s’actualisait ? Nous l’avons … Continue reading “Introducing….”

La semaine des langues 2019

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 07 May 2019 > Pedagogy

The fourth edition of the Semaine des Langues is taking place from 13 to 18 May. This year’s theme, like last year’s, is “Let’s Share Languages”. Teachers and pupils all over the country and participating in a whole range of events, many of them involving food! Collège Pierre Bodet in Angoulême organises an annual poster … Continue reading “La semaine des langues 2019”

Who Am I? Competition Winners

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 26 April 2019 > Pedagogy

Back at the beginning of the school year, we launched three pupil competitions. The A2-level competition was to write a 10-question “Who Am I?” quiz about a famous English-speaker. We were absolutely inundated with replies for the three competitions. Please apologise to your pupils for the delay but we finally have the winners of the … Continue reading “Who Am I? Competition Winners”

Take Your Students to “An American in Paris”

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 17 April 2019 > Pedagogy

The Châtelet Theatre in Paris is re-opening in September and returning to its tradition of putting on large-scale musicals, in their original language. The opening offering is George and Ira Gershwin’s An American in Paris. There are special matinée performances for schools on Thursdays 12 and 19 December at 3 p.m. An American in Paris … Continue reading “Take Your Students to “An American in Paris””