Valentine’s Day Slideshow

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 04 February 2022 > Ready to Use

This A1+-A2 slideshow will provide your students with information about the tradition of Valentine’s cards but also about the origins of Valentine’s Day, according to legend, and a connected celebration in Ghana, Chocolate Day. The accompanying activities help develop speaking and writing capacities. Vocabulary and structures Saying and writing dates and numbers (150 million…) Pronunciation: … Continue reading “Valentine’s Day Slideshow”

St Andrews Day Online Resources

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 25 November 2021 > Webpicks

St Andrew’s Day, 30 November, is the Scottish national day. Here are a couple of resources to talk about the celebration with collège classes, and a suggestion to get everyone moving! This BBC Newsround article written for children has “Everything you need to know about St Andrew’s Day”. It’s usable from A2. You may want … Continue reading “St Andrews Day Online Resources”

Poppy Day

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 28 October 2021 > Celebrate

Any image of people in the UK, Canada and Australia in November is likely to include some who are wearing a red paper poppy in their lapel. The Poppy Appeal for war veterans in the run-up to Remembrance Day began in the aftermath of World War I. Today, as the British and Commonwealth armies commemorate … Continue reading “Poppy Day”

Halloween with Unicef Videos

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 19 October 2021 > Webpicks

Halloween is a popular celebration with pupils, and it can be a great way to introduce some English-speaking culture. In the U.S.A., a major Halloween tradition is Trick or Treat for Unicef, a  fundraising campaign for the United Nations children’s fund. Unicef has lots of teaching resources about the campaign. This is Unicef U.S.A.’s main … Continue reading “Halloween with Unicef Videos”

Guy Fawkes

Posted by Speakeasy News > Saturday 16 October 2021 > Ready to Use

This A1+ article is a short introduction to the Gunpowder Plot, which could of course be treated from a more complex historical point of view at a higher level. The traditions of Guy Fawkes night, fireworks, bonfires and the State Opening of Parliament are introduced. As 5e pupils are studying the same period in history (Thème … Continue reading “Guy Fawkes”

Meet the Baby Ravens at the Tower of London

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 05 May 2021 > Webpicks

The Ravenmaster at the Tower of London is pleased to announce the arrival of four new raven chicks: the birds whose presence legend says protects the existence of the Tower. The Ravenmaster is one of the Yeomen Warders, informally known as Beefeaters. His role is to look after the Tower’s ravens. King Charles II (reigned … Continue reading “Meet the Baby Ravens at the Tower of London”

Audio Resources for the Tower of London

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 04 May 2021 > Webpicks

If you are working on London monuments or specifically the Tower of London, there are audio files with interactive activities in the BRNE anglais cycle 4 to help you. You can find  these audio recordings with interactive comprehension activities in the Banque de ressources anglais cycle 4: Audios> A1+ > Rencontres avec d’autres cultures > … Continue reading “Audio Resources for the Tower of London”

Vos manuels numériques pour assurer la continuité pédagogique

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 19 April 2021 > Pedagogy

Pendant cette nouvelle période de classes en distanciel, tous les manuels Nathan, Le Robert et Bordas sont de nouveau en accès libre d’un simple clic sur le site Sur le site, vous trouverez tous les manuels existant sous forme numérique, de la 6e à la Terminale, dans toutes les matières. Pour accéder aux … Continue reading “Vos manuels numériques pour assurer la continuité pédagogique”