Welcome to Tim Burton’s World

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 09 June 2023 > What's On

Tim Burton has a quirky vision of the world and his films like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland and  the TV series Wednesday are full of intriguing visual details. A new exhibition invites visitors into his visual world. Rather than going through the looking glass, visitors plunge into a labyrinth that ensures … Continue reading “Welcome to Tim Burton’s World”

Steven Spielberg: The Fabelmans

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 13 March 2023 > Ready to Use Shine Bright Lycée

Everybody knows Steven Spielberg’s films, but nobody really knows about his private life and above all, what made him become a multi-awarded film director. This file will enable the students to learn more about him, his early life and his family – more precisely his mom, who he credits with his artistic side – thanks … Continue reading “Steven Spielberg: The Fabelmans”

Two-week Stays in UK and Irish Schools for Teachers

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 14 November 2022 > Pedagogy

If you’d like to brush up on your English and discover different teaching techniques, you can apply to spend two weeks teaching and observing in a school in the UK or Ireland, whether you are a language or DNL teacher. France éducation international (formerly the CIEP ) gives teachers possibility to spend two weeks in UK … Continue reading “Two-week Stays in UK and Irish Schools for Teachers”

Marmalade Sandwich, Your Majesty?

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 08 June 2022 > Shine Bright Collège Webpicks

The Platinum Jubilee Concert coverage on 4 June opened with a sketch that featured the Queen inviting Paddington Bear to tea. The short video is great. for class use, and would make a good complement to the “deep fake” Queen’s Christmas speech that is featured in Shine Bright 3e Snapfile 11 Twist and Tell. The … Continue reading “Marmalade Sandwich, Your Majesty?”

Branagh’s Belfast

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 14 March 2022 > Ready to Use Shine Bright Lycée

Belfast is the story of nine-year-old Buddy growing up in the Northern Irish capital in a friendly, working-class community until the Troubles brutally disrupt his life in 1969. The film and these activities will help the students discover more about the Northern Irish conflict and its human consequences. It is actor-director Kenneth Branagh‘s most personal film … Continue reading “Branagh’s Belfast”

Poppy Day

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 28 October 2021 > Celebrate

Any image of people in the UK, Canada and Australia in November is likely to include some who are wearing a red paper poppy in their lapel. The Poppy Appeal for war veterans in the run-up to Remembrance Day began in the aftermath of World War I. Today, as the British and Commonwealth armies commemorate … Continue reading “Poppy Day”

Vos manuels numériques pour assurer la continuité pédagogique

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 19 April 2021 > Pedagogy

Pendant cette nouvelle période de classes en distanciel, tous les manuels Nathan, Le Robert et Bordas sont de nouveau en accès libre d’un simple clic sur le site adistance.manuelnumerique.com Sur le site adistance.manuel.numerique.com, vous trouverez tous les manuels existant sous forme numérique, de la 6e à la Terminale, dans toutes les matières. Pour accéder aux … Continue reading “Vos manuels numériques pour assurer la continuité pédagogique”

African American History on the Web

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 15 January 2021 > Webpicks

This selection of sites and videos is useful for classes on African American history and culture, particularly the civil-rights movement and the Harlem Renaissance America’s Library is a minisite from the Library of Congress written for native-speaking children. It’s very simple and clear. It has sections about WEB Dubois (see our article on the Color … Continue reading “African American History on the Web”

Guy Fawkes Webpicks: Protest and Plot

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 08 October 2020 > Webpicks

Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot are commemorated on 5 November every year in the UK on Bonfire Night. Pupils from A2 can discover the background to this annual event.  Lycée pupils can investigate how a failed terrorist from the seventeenth century has become the face of the Anonymous protest movement. The British Parliament site … Continue reading “Guy Fawkes Webpicks: Protest and Plot”