Your Students Have Talent: To Kill a Mockingbird

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 17 June 2022 > Pedagogy

It’s always lovely to see students’ work. Here are some posters 1re LLCER students created to persuade other students to read Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, which they had studied.  These wonderful posters are by pupils at Lycée Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Sarcelles (95). Thank you Yasser, Lotan, Ilian, Elyes, Christelle, Wendy, Yasmine, Swéta, Camélia, Koudedji, … Continue reading “Your Students Have Talent: To Kill a Mockingbird”

The Art of Being a Dandy: Aubrey Beardsley

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 04 November 2020 > Ready to Use

Despite his early death aged 25, Aubrey Beardsley (1872-1898) had a prolific career as an illustrator. Part of the Aesthetic movement, a friend of Oscar Wilde’s, Beardsley was a dandy and turned his own short life into a work of art. To accompany the exhibition currently on hold at the Musée d’Orsay, this resource explores … Continue reading “The Art of Being a Dandy: Aubrey Beardsley”

Teaching LLCER anglais monde contemporain

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 03 August 2020 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

If you’re teaching LLCER anglais monde contemporain this year, you haven’t had a lot of time to prepare. The curriculum was published too late for textbooks to be prepared for it. But we can help: check out our companion site for suggestions and lesson plans to use Shine Bright LLCER with AMC classes. Already on … Continue reading “Teaching LLCER anglais monde contemporain”

Et si on parlait du Grand oral ?

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 26 June 2020 > Pedagogy

Vos élèves de Terminale seront les premiers à passer le Grand oral en 2021. Comment les aider à préparer l’épreuve ? Un mini-site dédié est déjà en ligne et sera alimenté régulièrement. Pour vous accompagner vers la préparation et la réussite de cette nouvelle épreuve du “Grand oral”, Nathan s’est associé à Olivier Jaoui, directeur de … Continue reading “Et si on parlait du Grand oral ?”

Staging Emotions: West Side Story

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 28 April 2020 >

An online class about West Side Story would be great for students studying Shine Bright LLCE File 13 “Staging Emotions”,  or the film West Side Story, which is on the list of oeuvres intégrales for LLCE Première. Or any class interested in musicals, Puerto Rico or Romeo and Juliet. “Amour et rêve américain : quand la … Continue reading “Staging Emotions: West Side Story”

Time to Shine!

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 14 April 2020 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

They’re finally here. (Well they’re in warehouses waiting for schools to reopen!) Our teams of teachers, editors, picture researchers, graphic designers, layout artists and more have been hard at work for months preparing two new textbooks. And we can now let you have an exclusive look at them. The new books join Shine Bright 2e, … Continue reading “Time to Shine!”

Little Women

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 31 January 2020 >

Greta Gerwig’s latest movie based on Louisa May Alcott’s novel will take you into a female world in which conventions are defied, questioned and challenged by four sisters. Indeed, these four women on the brink of emancipation shatter the traditional image of upper-middle class young ladies whose role (and even duty) was to get married … Continue reading “Little Women”

Language and Literature: English Speciality

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 31 July 2019 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

Are you teaching LLCER this year? We can help! Shine Bright 1e has four sequences covering both themes. Look out for LLCER resources on Speakeasy-news. And in November we’ll be publishing reading guides to four of the literary works on the curriculum. Watch our video to find out more!   You can find up-to-date resources … Continue reading “Language and Literature: English Speciality”

WWI: They Shall Not Grow Old

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 10 July 2019 > Shine Bright Lycée

To mark the centenary of the end of the First World War, Peter Jackson has restored old black-and-white archive footage of British servicemen’s life in the trenches. “They Shall Not Grow Old” takes its title from a 1914 poem and this resource fits perfectly into Shine Bright 1re Advanced File 2: “War will Not Tear … Continue reading “WWI: They Shall Not Grow Old”