Our bioboxes are short “Who Am I?” quizzes to help introduce pupils to famous figures in the English-speaking world. This one was written by a pupil for our “Who Am I?” contest. Thank you to Emily from Mme Moufle’s 4e class, Collège LS Senghor, Corbeny (02). You can download the MP4 file below to use … Continue reading “Biobox: Emma Watson”
Emma Watson has already hidden feminist books for people to find in New York and London. On June 21 and 22, she distributed 100 copies of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale in Paris. Atwood’s dystopian novel is a feminist classic, and has recently been adapted for a very popular streaming TV series in the U.S. … Continue reading “Emma Watson Hides “The Handmaid’s Tale” in Paris”
In this A2-level article your students will read about the latest musical featuring the well-known characters of Beauty and the Beast. They will probably have seen the animated film on which this version is based when they were younger, but may not be familiar with the unfolding of the plot. The parallel drawn here between … Continue reading “Beauty and the Beast”
According to the theme song, it’s a “tale as old as time” – the classic fairytale “Beauty and the Beast” returns to cinema screens in a live-action remake of the 1991 Disney animation. Emma Watson stars as a Disney princess who doesn’t sit around waiting for anyone to save her. The Beauty and the Beast … Continue reading “Beauty and the Beast Again”
This project from the United Nations is really concrete and could work well as part of an EPI with Maths and Geography, or at a more sophisticated level as part of a Lieux et formes du pouvoir or l’idée du progrès theme in lycée, especially with ES classes. It asks pupils to collect statistics about … Continue reading “Collecting Statistics: Class Project on Gender Equality”