David Attenborough: People’s Advocate for the Planet

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 15 October 2021 > In the News Shine Bright Lycée

Sir David Attenborough has fascinated viewers around the world for decades with his documentary series like The Blue Planet and Life on Earth. Now the 95-year-old naturalist is using his communication skills to try to explain the complex issues to be tackled the United Nations’ COP26 environmental summit in Glasgow from 31 October. Attenborough was … Continue reading “David Attenborough: People’s Advocate for the Planet”

Bigger Than Us

Posted by Speakeasy News > Sunday 10 October 2021 > Shine Bright Lycée What's On

This inspiring documentary features teen activists around the world who see a problem and try to fix it. From Malawi to Colorado they are fighting pollution, opposing child marriage, supporting education, freedom of speech and sustainable agriculture and demanding rights for the planet and indigenous people. Melati Wijsen and her sister founded Bye Bye Plastic … Continue reading “Bigger Than Us”

Create a Poster: Halloween

Posted by Speakeasy News > Saturday 09 October 2021 > Celebrate

We have a teacher recommendation for a site for creating posters for your classroom, and an example of a poster on the theme of Halloween to use in collège to work on the BE+ing present and reading comprehension around this celebration. Plus a worksheet on Halloween celebrations from A2, with a focus on the plastic … Continue reading “Create a Poster: Halloween”

She is Greta

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 30 August 2021 > Shine Bright Lycée What's On

Just ahead of the COP26 summit in Glasgow at the end of October, a cinema release for the documentary I am Greta. The young environmental activist who started School Strike for the Climate in 2018 is still only 18, but has had a profound effect on environmentalists young and old. The documentary was made almost … Continue reading “She is Greta”

Teen Convinces Florida District to Switch to Electric School Buses

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 22 March 2021 > In the News Shine Bright Lycée

A middle-school student from Florida used a science-fair project to convince the Miami-Dade School District to begin converting its fleet of school buses over to electric. Eighth-grader Holly Thorpe measured CO2 levels inside the diesel school buses and her alarming results convinced the district to make the switch. The yellow school bus is a classic … Continue reading “Teen Convinces Florida District to Switch to Electric School Buses”

Masked But Not Muted on World Children’s Day

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 20 November 2020 > Celebrate

19 November is Unicef’s annual World Children’s Day. This year, the UN organisation is highlighting how children have been impacted by the global pandemic. Although children are the group in society which is least affected by actual infection by Covid-19, many children are being negatively impacted by all the collateral affects. Loss of schooling and … Continue reading “Masked But Not Muted on World Children’s Day”

Greta Thunberg Donates Million Euro Prize

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 23 July 2020 > In the News Shine Bright Lycée

The 17-year-old founder of the School Strike for Climate movement has been awarded the inaugural Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity. And immediately announced that she would donate the one million euro prize money to environmental projects through her foundation. This is the first year the Portuguese philanthropic Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation awarded the Prize for Humanity, which … Continue reading “Greta Thunberg Donates Million Euro Prize”

Discovering Life on Organic Farms with WWOOF

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 10 June 2020 > In the News Shine Bright Lycée

If you’d like to find out more about farming, discover a new place and culture and meet new people, WWOOFing could be just the thing. WWOOF stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. It’s a non-profit organisation which began in the UK in 1971 and now exists in more than 100 countries on six … Continue reading “Discovering Life on Organic Farms with WWOOF”

Activist New York

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 25 May 2020 >

This worksheet guides pupils to explore the online version of an exhibition at the Museum of the City of New York.  “Activist New York” looks at the history of protest movements in the city from the 17th Century to today, fights for workers’ rights, civil rights, votes for women or free speech.  The “Political and … Continue reading “Activist New York”

Greta’s Speech

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 20 December 2019 > Shine Bright Lycée Webpicks

The speech young climate activist Greta Thunberg made to the UN Climate Action Summit in September 2019 is a great example of a speech for students. It can be added to work on several Shine Bright 1e themes. Greta Thunberg would also be interesting to study in connection with the LLCER literature curriculum The Curious … Continue reading “Greta’s Speech”