
Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 04 July 2017 > Ready to Use

This B1-level article focuses on an important yet little recounted moment during WWII, the evacuation of British and Allied forces from the beaches of Dunkirk by the Royal Navy, aided by hundreds of civilian boats. This symbol of solidarity has been adapted into a movie by director and screenwriter Christopher Nolan. Language and structures Historical … Continue reading “Dunkirk”

Did Britain Just Have A Youth Quake?

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 16 June 2017 > In the News

Ever since the surprise result of the June 8 General Election, figures have been flying round traditional and social media claiming that the swing away from the Conservatives to Labour was caused by young voters “taking their revenge” for the Brexit referendum. It’s a good story. But is it true? After the Brexit referendum, there … Continue reading “Did Britain Just Have A Youth Quake?”

Canada C3 Expedition Webpicks

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 06 June 2017 > Webpicks

The C3 Expedition is participating in the Canada 150 celebrations. The 150-day expedition following Canada’s three coasts from east to west, and visiting many different communities on the way. These video and audio resources will on communities the expedition will visit and on visiting the Arctic are perfect for using this theme in class. These … Continue reading “Canada C3 Expedition Webpicks”

All Around Canada to Celebrate 150 Years

Posted by Speakeasy News > Saturday 03 June 2017 > In the News

Canada is celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2017. One of the highlights is a 150-day expedition following Canada’s three coasts from East to West. More than 300 Canadians have been selected to participate in the different legs of the maritime expedition, including 33 Youth Ambassadors representing Canada’s young people. July 1 2017 marks the 150th anniversary … Continue reading “All Around Canada to Celebrate 150 Years”

Exploring Canada to Celebrate 150 Years

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 02 June 2017 > Ready to Use

This B1-level article is a great opportunity to focus on the diversity of a unique English-speaking country: Canada. It sheds light on a part of its history, population and geography, introducing pupils to young people participating in an expedition to celebrate the 150th anniversary of independence.  Vocabulary and structures Cultural and historical aspect with specific … Continue reading “Exploring Canada to Celebrate 150 Years”

Churchill Hesitates

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 01 June 2017 > What's On

Churchill is a portrait of the wartime British Prime Minister, not as a one-dimensional heroic leader but as a far more human, and in some ways more likeable, character with all the frailties and contradictions that implies. Every country needs its national myths and in the wake of WW2, Britain constructed one where British people … Continue reading “Churchill Hesitates”

Young Voters Webpicks

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 31 May 2017 > Webpicks

Bite the Ballot and The League of Young Voters are both British charities created by young people and focused on getting young people engaged in voting, especially in the general election on 8 June. Their videos, apps and animations are extremely teen-friendly and excellent for working on citizenship in class. This video encouraging young people … Continue reading “Young Voters Webpicks”

Young Voters

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 31 May 2017 > In the News

You might think young British voters would be getting jaded after two general elections and a referendum in two years. But on the contrary, young people are signing up to vote in record numbers. There has been a surge of voters registering to vote since the surprise announcement of the general election. Between Mrs May’s … Continue reading “Young Voters”