Portrait of Britain

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 11 September 2018 > In the News

How can you portray a nation of 60 million people? The 100 winning “portraits of Britain” gazing down at passers by in streets, shopping centres, stations and airports across the country are as diverse as the population: different ages, colours, activities, locations, culture and clothing combine to mirror the observers. Portrait of Britain is the … Continue reading “Portrait of Britain”

Dorothea Lange Exhibition: Teacher and Class Visits

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 27 July 2018 > Pedagogy

The Jeu de Paume museum in Paris is hosting an exhibition of Depression-era photographer Dorothea Lange’s work from 16 October to 27 January.  It’s a wonderful subject for class work, and has inspired our Ready to Use Resource and a competition for pupils. Dorothea Lange (1895-1965) documented some of the most traumatic aspects of U.S. … Continue reading “Dorothea Lange Exhibition: Teacher and Class Visits”

Teaching with Irving Penn’s Photography

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 07 September 2017 > Webpicks

The Irving Penn exhibition opening at Paris’s Grand Palais was shown in New York’s Metropolitan Museum this spring. The Met’s site has interesting videos and audio guides in English made to accompany the exhibition and which are useful teaching tools. The Grand Palais site has a teaching pack you can download giving you background information … Continue reading “Teaching with Irving Penn’s Photography”