Prime Canadian

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 15 June 2018 > Celebrate

As Canada Day approaches on 1 July, the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been in international headlines, though not for the reasons the golden boy of Canadian politics has attracted publicity for in his three years in office. This time it was for crossing swords with Donald Trump over trade tariffs at the G7 … Continue reading “Prime Canadian”

Word of the Year: Fake News

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 10 November 2017 > In the News

Each autumn, Britain’s Collins Dictionary announces a Word of the Year, a word or expression that has been omnipresent. For 2017, the WOTY is “fake news”, a term often associated with President Trump. The expression was used a lot during the election campaign. Since his inauguration in January, President Trump has brandished it regularly, on … Continue reading “Word of the Year: Fake News”

Did Britain Just Have A Youth Quake?

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 16 June 2017 > In the News

Ever since the surprise result of the June 8 General Election, figures have been flying round traditional and social media claiming that the swing away from the Conservatives to Labour was caused by young voters “taking their revenge” for the Brexit referendum. It’s a good story. But is it true? After the Brexit referendum, there … Continue reading “Did Britain Just Have A Youth Quake?”

Young Voters Webpicks

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 31 May 2017 > Webpicks

Bite the Ballot and The League of Young Voters are both British charities created by young people and focused on getting young people engaged in voting, especially in the general election on 8 June. Their videos, apps and animations are extremely teen-friendly and excellent for working on citizenship in class. This video encouraging young people … Continue reading “Young Voters Webpicks”

Young Voters

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 31 May 2017 > In the News

You might think young British voters would be getting jaded after two general elections and a referendum in two years. But on the contrary, young people are signing up to vote in record numbers. There has been a surge of voters registering to vote since the surprise announcement of the general election. Between Mrs May’s … Continue reading “Young Voters”

Make It Fifty Fifty

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 05 May 2017 > In the News

Fifty-Fifty Day on 10 May is a global event encouraging discussion about a gender-balanced world. What would our lives be like if both genders participated equally in all aspects of it? A free film and discussion guide and online Q&A session aim to spark a conversation. Award-winning documentary maker Tiffany Shlain explains that she was … Continue reading “Make It Fifty Fifty”

This Time Brexit Means Brexit

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 27 March 2017 > In the News

It’s taken the best part of a year since the British electorate voted to leave the EU. On 29 March, Prime Minister Theresa May  finally triggered Article 50 to officially start the leaving procedure. On 13 March, Parliament passed the EU Withdrawal Bill, which had been forced by a citizens’ challenge in the courts opposing … Continue reading “This Time Brexit Means Brexit”

Basic Income: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 17 March 2017 > In the News

Canada pioneered an experiment on a universal basic income for all citizens in the 1970s. Now, one province, Ontario, has promised another trial. And other countries or regions are also toying with a basic income for all. In 1974, when Pierre Trudeau was Prime Minister, the federal government and Manitoba Province launched a four-year minimum … Continue reading “Basic Income: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?”