Supreme Court Rules on Brexit Launch

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 24 January 2017 > In the News

Britain’s Supreme Court has ruled that Parliament must vote on the government’s plans to trigger Article 50 of Lisbon Treaty, to start the process of leaving the European Union. The Supreme Court was hearing the Government’s appeal against the October High Court ruling that the government couldn’t trigger Article 50 and start Brexit negotiations without … Continue reading “Supreme Court Rules on Brexit Launch”

Brexit Update

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 09 December 2016 > In the News

Britain voted to leave the European Union in the 23 June referendum. Prime Minister Theresa May has said repeatedly that the government will trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, to start the negotiation process to leave, by the end of March. But a legal appeal in front of the Supreme Court could hold up … Continue reading “Brexit Update”

Who won the third presidential debate?

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 21 October 2016 > In the News

Who won the third presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? According to YouGov’s post-debate poll, which interviewed 1503 registered voters who watched the debate, Hillary Clinton won the debate against Donald Trump by 49% to 39%. The candidates clashed repeatedly over their radically different vision for the future of U.S.A.: Supreme Court justices … Continue reading “Who won the third presidential debate?”

What a Debate!

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 26 September 2016 > In the News

The first of the three presidential debates will take place on Monday night 26 September*. If you are interested in the face to face Clinton/Trump, you will have to wait until 3 in the morning! Officially, there are 5 candidates racing for the White House. Then why there will be only two candidates for a … Continue reading “What a Debate!”

Election Time

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 15 September 2016 > Ready to Use

These A2+ and B1-level articles and boxes will enable your pupils to have an overview of the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. It can be an opportunity to compare with elections in other countries (their own country as well as how it is organised in the United Kingdom for example). There are worksheets for A2+ and … Continue reading “Election Time”

Festival America Literary Celebration in Vincennes

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 06 September 2016 > What's On

For its eighth edition (8-11 September), Festival America offers a plethora of activities around literature in the Americas. There is a day for school groups on Friday 9th. This year’s Festival America has something for everyone. Readings, talks, workshops, beautiful exhibitions and translation “jousts” are all part of the programme. Look out for several events … Continue reading “Festival America Literary Celebration in Vincennes”