Finally…. a Result

Posted by Speakeasy News > Sunday 08 November 2020 > In the News

After four days of tense waiting, demonstrations and threats of legal challenge, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris emerged as the next President and Vice-President of the United States on Saturday 7 November. In the absence of a national election body, it was the media organisation Associated Press which called wins for the Democratic ticket in … Continue reading “Finally…. a Result”

Supreme Court Confirmation Rushed Through

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 30 October 2020 > In the News Shine Bright Lycée

Judge Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed as the Supreme Court replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg on 27 October, barely a week before the presidential election. After Justice Ginsburg’s death on 18 September, the nomination of a new Justice became a political battle. Justice Ginsburg was one of the four Democratic-nominated Justices out of the nine … Continue reading “Supreme Court Confirmation Rushed Through”

Campaign Interrupted

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 02 October 2020 > In the News

On 2 October, the White House announced that President Trump and the First Lady, Melania, had both tested positive for Covid 19, and were self-isolating in the presidential residence. Mr Trump therefore has to interrupt his campaign for re-election and the remaining presidential TV debates are put in doubt. Mr Trump announced the news in … Continue reading “Campaign Interrupted”

How to Elect a President

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 22 September 2020 > Ready to Use

This article explains how the U.S. President is elected and focuses on the 2020 candidates, quickly exploring their careers as well as mapping out the electoral system and looking at the changes brought about this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. It’s an easy B1, usable in older classes in collège as well as lycée. … Continue reading “How to Elect a President”

U.S. Elections: the Year of the Unknowns

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 21 September 2020 > In the News

It’s already been an unusual election year in the U.S.A., with the later Democratic primaries cancelled because of Covid and delayed party conventions held online. As the virus continues to progress in the U.S.A., what are the possible consequences for the election?  The parties are continuing as near to normal as they can. The focus, … Continue reading “U.S. Elections: the Year of the Unknowns”

Goodbye RBG

Posted by Speakeasy News > Sunday 20 September 2020 > In the News Shine Bright Lycée

The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on 18 September means the political balance of the court is likely to swing right. Justice Ginsburg was a pioneering lawyer and judge who was at the forefront of battles for gender equality and women’s rights. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was one of three women out of … Continue reading “Goodbye RBG”

Bye-bye Bernie

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 09 April 2020 > In the News

On 8 April Bernie Sanders suspended his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, effectively opening to road to Joe Biden to become the party’s official candidate for the White House in November’s election. The two men were the surviving candidates in the primary campaign, but Mr Sanders’ delegate numbers were looking weak before the disruption … Continue reading “Bye-bye Bernie”

Getting Closer to the White House

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 13 March 2020 > In the News

From a diverse field of almost thirty candidates, the campaign to find the Democratic candidate to oppose Donald Trump in November’s election has narrowed to a choice between frontrunners representing the left and the right of the party. The 2016 Democratic primary season started with just three candidates, including two rather atypical frontrunners: Hillary Clinton, … Continue reading “Getting Closer to the White House”

U.S. Presidential Marathon

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 03 February 2020 > In the News

The race to the White House is heating up, but there’s still a long way to go to the 3 November election. Because in this year’s election  the incumbent President, Republican Donald Trump, is standing again, most of the focus so far has been on the campaign to become the Democratic candidate. Some hopefuls declared … Continue reading “U.S. Presidential Marathon”