
Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 07 April 2017 > Ready to Use

This A2+-level article sheds light on ways to take part in environmental issues, through the eyes of a teenage Native American boy very committed to ecology. As well as A2+ activities, we have suggested some B1 extensions and videos for use with mixed-level or more advanced classes. This is  an excellent topic for an EPI … Continue reading “Eco-Warrior”

A “Thrilling” Halloween

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 14 October 2016 > Celebrate

If you’re looking for a fun language activity before the holidays, how about transforming your pupils into dancing zombies? For the tenth year running, Thrill the World will try to break its own world record for the biggest simultaneous dance to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”: 22,596 people around the world! The song’s video with Jackson doing … Continue reading “A “Thrilling” Halloween”

Election Time

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 15 September 2016 > Ready to Use

These A2+ and B1-level articles and boxes will enable your pupils to have an overview of the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. It can be an opportunity to compare with elections in other countries (their own country as well as how it is organised in the United Kingdom for example). There are worksheets for A2+ and … Continue reading “Election Time”

Deauville American Film Festival’s awards 2016

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 13 September 2016 > What's On

The Deauville American Film Festival’s 42nd edition ended Saturday night September 10th. A total of 14 films were in competition for this prizes. Little Men (Brooklyn Village), by Ira Sachs won the Grand Prize. Little Men is a drama which tells the story of a family that inherits a house in Brooklyn. The ground floor … Continue reading “Deauville American Film Festival’s awards 2016”

U.S. Presidential Election Webpicks

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 07 September 2016 > Webpicks

We’ve sifted through the many resources online about the U.S. elections to find the ones best adapted for use in collège and lycée classes. The U.S. presidential elections is a hot topic and information is constantly changing. A lot of what is available online is too difficult for non-native speakers, who, as well as the … Continue reading “U.S. Presidential Election Webpicks”

The Beat Generation on the Web

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 02 September 2016 > Webpicks

The Beat Generation exhibition at the Paris Pompidou Centre looks at the legacy of these anti-conformist writers from the 1940s-1960s. It fits well into a lycée theme on Mythes et héros or L’idée de progrès. Or in LELE, the themes Voyage, parcours initiatique, exil or L’écrivain dans son siècle. See our article about the exhibition. … Continue reading “The Beat Generation on the Web”

Michael Moore and James Franco at Deauville

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 23 August 2016 > What's On

This year’s Deauville American Film Festival is going less for the Hollywood glitz and more for subversive, independent voices with tributes to documentary maker extraordinaire Michael Moore and actor-director-producer James Franco. There are of course lots of stars on the red carpet at Deauville, but Moore and Franco show another side of American cinema. Michael … Continue reading “Michael Moore and James Franco at Deauville”

The Beat Generation: On the Road

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 23 August 2016 > What's On

Rebels, hedonists, social critics… eternal outsiders who have influenced generations of writers and artists that followed. The Beat Generation exhibition at the Paris Pompidou Centre looks at the legacy of Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, and many more. The Beat poetry movement was born in the wake of World War Two. But its influence … Continue reading “The Beat Generation: On the Road”

Labor Day

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 22 July 2016 > Ready to Use

This easy A1+ article and audio will introduce your pupils to a holiday which is one of the most celebrated in the U.S.A., but not well-known outside the country: Labor Day, which falls on the first Monday in September and marks the beginning of the school year. Vocabulary and Structures celebrations food dates present simple … Continue reading “Labor Day”