9/11 20 Years On

Posted by Speakeasy News > Saturday 14 August 2021 > In the News

On 11 September 2001, the world watched in horror and disbelief as first one plane and then a second crashed into the Twin Towers of the NYC’s World Trade Center. Then news spread of a third hijacked plane heading to the Pentagon and a fourth that crashed en route to Washington, D.C., thanks to the … Continue reading “9/11 20 Years On”

The Unknown Warrior 100 Years On

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 25 November 2020 > Celebrate Shine Bright Lycée

The First World War was so devastating, countries were at a loss to know how to commemorate their dead. A hundred years ago, two years after the Armistice, Britain’s King George V inaugurated the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Cathedral, to honour all the anonymous fallen. Although the war had mobilised vast numbers … Continue reading “The Unknown Warrior 100 Years On”


Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 31 January 2020 >

The new World War I drama from director Sam Mendes, 1917, unfolds in real-time, tracking a pair of British soldiers as they cross the Western Front on a desperate rescue mission. Soldiers Blake and Schofield  must travel nine miles across the treacherous war zone to deliver orders to stop a regiment attacking enemy lines within … Continue reading “1917”

WWI: They Shall Not Grow Old

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 10 July 2019 > Shine Bright Lycée

To mark the centenary of the end of the First World War, Peter Jackson has restored old black-and-white archive footage of British servicemen’s life in the trenches. “They Shall Not Grow Old” takes its title from a 1914 poem and this resource fits perfectly into Shine Bright 1re Advanced File 2: “War will Not Tear … Continue reading “WWI: They Shall Not Grow Old”

D-Day in Sound and Poetry

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 03 June 2019 > Celebrate

As part of the commemorations of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings, the town of Bayeux is hosting an immersive audio performance in English about British war poet and D-Day veteran Keith Douglas. Douglas was a WWII tank commander, who fought in North Africa and participated in the Normandy landings. He was killed three … Continue reading “D-Day in Sound and Poetry”


Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 24 April 2019 > Celebrate Shine Bright Lycée

While most countries involved in World War I commemorate those who served in that and later wars on 11 November, the date the War ended, in Australia and New Zealand, the main commemoration is ANZAC Day, 25 April, the day in 1915 when their servicemen first saw action, in the disastrous Gallipoli Campaign. When Britain … Continue reading “ANZAC Day”

Don McCullin: War Photographer

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 26 March 2019 > Ready to Use

Don McCullin’s black-and-white photographs bear witness of the major conflicts the world has been experiencing for the last 60 years. From Cyprus to Syria, from Vietnam to Biafra, from the construction of the Berlin Wall to the conflict in Ulster, his (still ongoing) career as a photojournalist has enabled him to witness and record the … Continue reading “Don McCullin: War Photographer”

They Shall Not Grow Old Film: Bringing WWI to Life

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 31 October 2018 > Ready to Use

To mark the centenary of the end of the First World War, Peter Jackson has restored old black-and-white archive footage of British servicemen’s life in the trenches. He has colourised it, and has asked lip-readers to help dub in what the soldiers were actually saying. The film’s title refers to a poem by Robert  Binyon … Continue reading “They Shall Not Grow Old Film: Bringing WWI to Life”