Valentine’s Day Digital Resources

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 22 March 2017 > Webpicks

If you're looking for audio and video on Valentine's Day, or to talk about feelings any day, we have what you need.

There are several articles, videos and audio recordings with interactive comprehension activities about Valentine's Day and love in the Banque de ressources anglais cycle 4. To see the resources, register now or log in:
Audios > A1+Ecole et société > Témoignages > Valentine's Day
An American student describes how Valentine's Day is celebrated in her school.

Vidéos > A1+ > Rencontres avec d'autres cultures > Pancake Day and Valentine's Day
Two for the price of one! Two British girls make pancakes and discuss Valentine's Day traditions.

 Vidéos > A2 > Ecole et société > Valentine's Day
A British school organises a fundraising sale of Valentine's cards and roses.

Vidéos > A2Langages et modes de vie > Valentine's Day
Claudia is writing a Valentine's card when her friend Amber surprises her.

Vidéos > B1 > Langage et modes de vie > Love at First Sight
A British girl and boy discuss love at first sight: the boy saw the girl of his dreams and didn't dare say a word.

Articles de presse > A1+, A2, B1 > Langues et cultures étrangères et régionales> "Valentine's Day".


Webpicks Useful websites and online tools for classroom use
> Valentine’s Day: Talking about Feelings
Ready to Use Downloadable resources ready to use in class
> Valentine’s Day