Creative Writing Competition: Vivian Maier’s Photography

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 30 September 2021 > Pedagogy

Vivian Maier’s extraordinary photos of New York and Chicago streets, portraits and self-portraits, were discovered by chance in 2007. A selection is currently on show at the Musée du Luxembourg in Paris and we’d like to challenge your pupils to write stories inspired by the images. This competition is now closed. Thank you so much … Continue reading “Creative Writing Competition: Vivian Maier’s Photography”

Vivian Maier: Portraits of America and Self

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 23 September 2021 > What's On

Vivian Maier is now considered a major American photographer but she never published her work and died in obscurity, not knowing the interest her work would provoke. Maier was born in New York City in 1926. She spent her childhood and early twenties between the States and France, her mother’s home country. She returned to … Continue reading “Vivian Maier: Portraits of America and Self”

She is Greta

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 30 August 2021 > Shine Bright Lycée What's On

Just ahead of the COP26 summit in Glasgow at the end of October, a cinema release for the documentary I am Greta. The young environmental activist who started School Strike for the Climate in 2018 is still only 18, but has had a profound effect on environmentalists young and old. The documentary was made almost … Continue reading “She is Greta”

Cannes is Back!

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 06 July 2021 > What's On

Yes, that is legendary American director Spike Lee peering out of the poster for the 2021 Cannes Film Festival. He is the president of the jury for the 74th festival. Two months later than usual, and with cinema releases having been largely suspended for a year, it will be an unusual edition. Filmlovers everywhere will … Continue reading “Cannes is Back!”

The Great Hack

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 01 August 2019 >

The Great Hack is a new documentary made for Netflix on the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal over the use of social-media users’ data to potentially manipulate the outcome of elections including the 2016 U.S. Presidential election and the UK Brexit referendum. This B1-level resource based on an interview with the two directors of the documentary is … Continue reading “The Great Hack”

Dorothea Lange: On the Road

Posted by Speakeasy News > Saturday 15 June 2019 >

Dorothea Lange’s iconic photos of Depression-era America and the farming families forced to flee meteorological and financial disasters often focus on the roads the migrants travelled. In Shine Bright 1re Advanced File 4 “On the Road”, pupils analyse a photo by Lange juxtaposed with extracts from John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath. This resource will … Continue reading “Dorothea Lange: On the Road”

Black History Month in Rennes

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 30 January 2019 > Celebrate

In honour of the Black History Month, the Institut Franco-Américain in Rennes has two events centered around author James Baldwin, just in time for the release of the Oscar-nominated If Beale Street Could Talk. Born in 1924 in Harlem, New York, Baldwin is remembered as a novelist, poet, playwright, essayist and social critic. From 1948 … Continue reading “Black History Month in Rennes”

Dorothea Lange Winners Collège and Seconde

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 29 January 2019 > Pedagogy

We had so many fabulous entries to our Dorothea Lange creative writing contest that we’ve chosen 30 winners instead of 10. Here are the winning texts from collège and Seconde pupils, in alphabetical order except where we’ve regrouped texts about a single photo. Agathe, Mme Joubry’s class, Lycée Gustave Monod, Enghien les Bains (95) Damaged … Continue reading “Dorothea Lange Winners Collège and Seconde”

Dorothea Lange Winners Première

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 29 January 2019 > Pedagogy

We had so many fabulous entries to our Dorothea Lange creative writing contest that we’ve chosen 30 winners instead of 10. Here are the winning texts from Première pupils, in alphabetical order except where we’ve regrouped texts about a single photo. (We’ve included Première LVA pupils with the Terminale winners.) Here are two of our … Continue reading “Dorothea Lange Winners Première”