This resource focuses on an illustrated map, leaflet and website detailing the 58 sites in the UK which UNESCO has honoured with status Biosphere Reserve, Creative City, Global Geopark or World Heritage Site. This document can be studied from many different points of view and levels. We chose to target A2 students with a dual … Continue reading “Beautiful Britain: Discover the U.K.’s UNESCO sites”
New Zealand is a unique country, so it’s not surprising that its national day is unique too! New Zealand’s nearest big neighbour, Australia, is more than 4000 kilometres away. Because it is so isolated, it has some unique plants and animals, like the kiwi, a bird that can’t fly. People from New Zealand are often … Continue reading “Waitangi Day in New Zealand”
St Patrick’s Day, 17 March, is a great time to inject some Irish culture into your classroom, with these videos, audio and interactive activities. Happy St Patrick’s Day – some of the figures may be a bit approximate in this promotional video, but it’s great for becoming familiar with some Irish traditions and traits, and … Continue reading “St Patrick’s Day on the Web”
A quick rundown on Euro 2020 in six essential questions. When? 11 June to 11 July 2021. Where? In 11 cities around Europe: Amsterdam (Netherlands), Baku (Azerbaijan), Bilbao (Spain), Bucharest (Romania), Budapest (Hungary), Copenhagen (Denmark), Glasgow (Scotland), London (England), Munich (Germany), Rome (Italy), Saint Petersburg (Russia). The semi-finals and final will be at Wembley Stadium in … Continue reading “Euro 2020 in Six Questions”
The eighth edition of the FIFA Women’s World Cup will be held in France from 7 June to 7 July. Women’s football is becoming higher and higher profile, and with the tournament taking place in France, it’s a great opportunity to work on women’s sport with your pupils. The worksheet provides activities based on A1+ … Continue reading “The 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup”
In this A2 article your students will learn about the population of New Zealand and its national day, Waitangi Day on 6 February. You can decide to work on it either at the beginning of February to match the celebrations or as part of a unit devoted to national days in English-speaking countries. Although this … Continue reading “Waitangi Day, New Zealand’s National Day”
This illustrated map produced by the U.S. State Department provides a visual presentation of U.S. states associated to landmarks and industry. It could be used at various levels, depending on what is to be achieved by the students. We have provided teaching suggestions and a worksheet for an A2 level. This is a good opportunity … Continue reading “U.S. Landmarks and Icons Map”
The C3 Expedition is participating in the Canada 150 celebrations. The 150-day expedition following Canada’s three coasts from east to west, and visiting many different communities on the way. These video and audio resources will on communities the expedition will visit and on visiting the Arctic are perfect for using this theme in class. These … Continue reading “Canada C3 Expedition Webpicks”
Canada is celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2017. July 1 marks the 150 years since Confederation, when the British colonies in modern day Canada joined to form the self-governing British Dominion of Canada. June and July are already months when Canadians take time to appreciate their country. This year, they will push the appreciation to another level. Canada … Continue reading “Celebrating Canada”
This B1-level article is a great opportunity to focus on the diversity of a unique English-speaking country: Canada. It sheds light on a part of its history, population and geography, introducing pupils to young people participating in an expedition to celebrate the 150th anniversary of independence. Vocabulary and structures Cultural and historical aspect with specific … Continue reading “Exploring Canada to Celebrate 150 Years”