As the American presidential election approaches, the film The Apprentice, is set to debut in French theaters on October 9th. This feature film explores the early career of Donald Trump, the former U.S. President and current Republican candidate, in the ruthless world of New York real estate in the 1970s and 80s. A Remarkable Transformation … Continue reading “The Apprentice: A Controversial Biopic on Donald Trump”
The Five Eyes Alliance is a very discreet intelligence-gathering agreement between five major Anglophone countries: the U.S., the U.K., Australia, Canada and New Zealand. It was created during the Cold War with the former Soviet Union. But it is currently in turmoil over the five nations’ relations with China. The Alliance has existed in its … Continue reading “Five Eyes”
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the National Park System (NPS) has closed or limited the public’s access to a majority of park sites in the U.S. But, while some nationals parks remain closed, several of the most visited are beginning to reopen. What about social distancing practices? On April 22, the Trump administration announced that it … Continue reading “Nice posters for best social distancing practices”
John F. Kennedy was born 100 years ago in Brookline, Massachusetts. JFK was the 35th President of the United States (1961-1963) and the youngest man elected to the office. He was assassinated in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963 and became the forever-young president… A political and cultural icon Born in 1917, John Fitzgerald Kennedy would … Continue reading “JFK, a 20th Century American Political Icon”
Prom is an end-of-year tradition in North American schools, and a rite of passage for teenagers. It has spread across the Atlantic. Most British schools now organise some kind of end-of-school, prom-style dance. Proms started out as banquets for graduating university classes in the 19th century. Prom is short for “promenade”, the formal arrival of … Continue reading “Prom Time”
Every year, the American Embassy Youth Ambassadors for Community Service programme allows 20 French lycéens from low-income families to go on an expenses-paid two-week trip to the U.S. The trips, for 20 high-school students and 10 youth leaders involved in community work, aim to develop intercultural links between French and American young people, and develop … Continue reading “U.S. Trips for Low-Income Lycéens”
“The Color Line” exhibition at Quai de Branly in Paris reviews the history of discrimination in the U.S.A. through the eyes of African-American artists. The show is an exploration of 150 years of American history from the end of the Civil War with the abolition of slavery, to segregation, the civil rights movement and the … Continue reading “African-American Artists and Segregation”
Who won the third presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? According to YouGov’s post-debate poll, which interviewed 1503 registered voters who watched the debate, Hillary Clinton won the debate against Donald Trump by 49% to 39%. The candidates clashed repeatedly over their radically different vision for the future of U.S.A.: Supreme Court justices … Continue reading “Who won the third presidential debate?”
The third and final U.S. presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will take place on Wednesday 19th October at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. This is the last chance for the two candidates to address the millions of American voters. For the first debate on September 26, there was a record of 84 … Continue reading “This is the End… the Last Debate”
The first of the three presidential debates will take place on Monday night 26 September*. If you are interested in the face to face Clinton/Trump, you will have to wait until 3 in the morning! Officially, there are 5 candidates racing for the White House. Then why there will be only two candidates for a … Continue reading “What a Debate!”