Winston Churchill’s Darkest Hour

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 12 January 2018 > Ready to Use

Darkest Hour, a new award-winning film about Winston Churchill's role as Britain's WW2 Prime Minister, gives an excellent opportunity to work on this historical figure and historical period with pupils at B1 level. The resource and the film focus on some of Churchill's most famous speeches and their morale-boosting effect.

The theme  can be related to the 3e history curriculum and both ‘Rencontres avec d’autres cultures: repères historiques’ and ‘Langages’ in Cycle 4, or ‘L’art du vivre ensemble: mémoire, heritage et rupture’ in Seconde.

Vocabulary and structures

  • war-related vocabulary.
  • whatever, however.
  • superlative
  • passive

Video and Audio
It is helpful for pupils to listen to parts of the speeches mentioned:
"Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat"  and "We Shall Fight on the Beaches".

We suggest using the film trailer as part of follow-up work.


This topic fits well with
Give me five! 3e  Unit 6 "Blitz Kids" on WWII Britain
Download a sample double-page here.

Ready to Use Downloadable resources ready to use in class
> Dunkirk
Notion(s) culturelle(s) : "Rencontres avec d’autres cultures" "Langages" "L’art du vivre ensemble" "Mémoire"