How to Elect a President

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 22 September 2020 > Ready to Use

This article explains how the U.S. President is elected and focuses on the 2020 candidates, quickly exploring their careers as well as mapping out the electoral system and looking at the changes brought about this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. It’s an easy B1, usable in older classes in collège as well as lycée.

The following activities will enable the students to understand the two-party system as well as the main principles of the (not so simple) presidential elections. The final task aims to help them use what they’ve learnt in a fun yet organised way. The tasks could be then on display at the school’s media center.

Vocabulary and structures

  • elections: polls, elections, campaign, swing states…
  • simple present (habits)
  • present perfect + for and since
  • politics: senator, representative, Congress, term, president, party, convention, primary elections…