Jennifer Hudsent as Aretha Franklin in the film Respect. She is holding a microphone and singing.

Respect: Aretha Franklin Biopic

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 23 August 2021 >

A new biopic of soul diva Aretha Franklin takes its title from one of her most famous songs, "Respect". This resource will introduce pupils first to the song, which became an anthem for the women's movement and the civil-rights movement. Then they can discover the biopic. Jennifer Hudson was chosen by Franklin herself before her death to play her in the film.

This film is a great extension to  Shine Bright 3e File 6 Move on up,  Shine Bright Première Files 1 Biopics in Hollywood and 8  African American art.

Axes du programme : Fictions et réalités / Art et pouvoir

Grammaire : présent simple / prétérit simple / could / had to / structures causatives
Lexique : musique / défense d’une cause / biographie / sentiments
OBJECTIFS PRAGMATIQUES : partager ses impressions au sujet d’une artiste/ d’un film (document modalisant = featurette)
OBJECTIFS CULTURELS : Aretha Franklin / Women’s rights / Civil Rights / 1960s in the USA
OBJECTIF METHODOLOGIQUE : analyser les paroles d’une chanson / commenter une vidéo/performance artistique

On general release 8 September