On 19 January, New Zealand’s Prime Minister announced that not only would she not seek re-election this year, she was resigning with effect on 7 February. On 19 January, New Zealand’s Prime Minister announced that not only would she not seek re-election this year, she was resigning with effect on 7 February. Ms Ardern said … Continue reading “Jacinda Ardern Resigns as NZ Prime Minister”
When it was announced that its famous Mardi Gras parades were being cancelled because of Covid restrictions, New Orleans residents decided to find new ways to honour the tradition. Mardi Gras celebrations are an important part of Louisiana’s French heritage, and normally attract tourists from around the world. Mardi Gras kicks off King Day (Twelfth … Continue reading “Making Mardi Gras Covid-Safe in New Orleans”
Captain Sir Tom Moore, the WWII veteran who raised British spirits during lockdown 1 with his sponsored walk to raise funds for the NHS before his 100th birthday, died in hospital on 2 February. “Captain Tom”, as he soon became known, became the positive role model people really needed during the pandemic. He had originally … Continue reading “The Last Post for Captain Tom”
Many countries in Europe have instituted lockdowns with the aim of reducing coronavirus transmissions enough to allow their populations to have a semblance of a normal Christmas. In the U.S., the problem of family get-togethers is a whole month earlier, with Thanksgiving, which falls this year on Thursday 26 November. With COVID-19 infections spiking all … Continue reading “Thanksgiving Despite Coronavirus”
19 November is Unicef’s annual World Children’s Day. This year, the UN organisation is highlighting how children have been impacted by the global pandemic. Although children are the group in society which is least affected by actual infection by Covid-19, many children are being negatively impacted by all the collateral affects. Loss of schooling and … Continue reading “Masked But Not Muted on World Children’s Day”
New Zealand’s 17 October election was originally scheduled on a historically significant day: 19 September, the annual anniversary of the date in 1893 when New Zealand women became the first in the world to legally vote. It was postponed because of Covid but was historic anyway: the Labour party became the first in 24 years … Continue reading “New Zealand gives Jacinda Ardern and Labour a Landslide”
On 2 October, the White House announced that President Trump and the First Lady, Melania, had both tested positive for Covid 19, and were self-isolating in the presidential residence. Mr Trump therefore has to interrupt his campaign for re-election and the remaining presidential TV debates are put in doubt. Mr Trump announced the news in … Continue reading “Campaign Interrupted”
Jusqu’à récemment, je n’avais jamais pensé utiliser le Bitmoji sous forme de classe. Pourtant, dès 2016, je me mettais en scène avec un collègue dans le cadre d’un projet collaboratif, Flanders Lane et j’utilisais déjà Bitmoji. Depuis le mois de mai 2020, j’ai franchi un nouveau cap en rejoignant un groupe privé anglophone formant une … Continue reading ” La classe Bitmoji”
A quick roundup of the latest collège lessons in English on France 4. Follow the link below for the subjects of the previous programmes. There are now so many we decided to start a new list. You can find the detailed schedule here. 18 May 4e School in the U.K. … Continue reading “The Latest Classes on TV for Your Collège Students”
Lors d’un échange avec mon inspecteur sur les activités qu’un professeur de langues peut proposer à ses élèves en distanciel, je me suis rendue compte que dans mon cours, les élèves n’interagissaient plus. Les interactions écrites se limitaient à des échanges avec moi uniquement et les interactions orales étaient inexistantes. Certes, il y a bien … Continue reading “De la classe virtuelle à un monde virtuel”