For decades, Rupert Murdoch has dominated the media, first in his native Australia, then the U.K., the U.S.A. and other countries around the world. He started with one newspaper inherited from his father in Adelaide and built an empire that has included at various times Sky TV, The Sun and The Times in the U.K., Fox … Continue reading “Succession: Murdoch Media Empire”
The Fake News exhibition created by the CLEMI which is running in Paris till February 2022 is now also available as 10 A3-sized posters that you can print up and display in your school. There’s a webinar and teaching pack to help you guide your pupils to get the most out of the experience. The … Continue reading “Fake News Exhibition in Your School!”
No, it isn’t fake news: Covid permitting, there will be an exhibition on Fake News running from 27 May 2021 to January 2022 at the Fondation EDF in Paris. Designed for school groups as well as the general public, it will be a great opportunity to have your pupils develop their critical-thinking skills. The exhibition … Continue reading “Fake News Exhibition”
Lors de la reprise des cours en présentiel début juin 2020, le défi a été de poursuivre le travail ensemble selon de nouvelles modalités, à savoir en présentiel pour certains élèves et en distanciel pour d’autres élèves. Continuité des outils numériques connus et maîtrisés de tous J’ai abordé cette période inédite en optant pour une … Continue reading “Black Lives Matter : Travail collaboratif et éducation aux médias autour d’un sujet d’actualité”
Traditionally, on April Fools Day, the media in the English-speaking world love to run hoax stories. But in these days of fake news, how easy will it be to tell the April Fools from the usual run of internet rumours on 1 April? Luckily, April Fools Day is followed by International Fact-checking Day. Which of … Continue reading “April Fools”
The Great Hack is a new documentary made for Netflix on the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal over the use of social-media users’ data to potentially manipulate the outcome of elections including the 2016 U.S. Presidential election and the UK Brexit referendum. This B1-level resource based on an interview with the two directors of the documentary is … Continue reading “The Great Hack”
A scientific study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology shows that false news spreads on Twitter much further and faster that true news items. Just like spoken gossip and rumours, people just can’t wait to share or retweet something unusual or shocking. The study found that false news stories are 70 percent more likely to … Continue reading “False News Travels Faster and Further”
The Steven Spielberg film The Post, starring Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks, is an excellent resource for working on the press and the media as part of éducation aux médias. It would work very well with the theme for this year’s Semaine de la presse à l’école: Where does the news come from? The Semaine … Continue reading “Pentagon Papers Webpicks”
Each autumn, Britain’s Collins Dictionary announces a Word of the Year, a word or expression that has been omnipresent. For 2017, the WOTY is “fake news”, a term often associated with President Trump. The expression was used a lot during the election campaign. Since his inauguration in January, President Trump has brandished it regularly, on … Continue reading “Word of the Year: Fake News”
April Fools Day is a perfect opportunity to get your pupils thinking about the “news” they see. April Fools Day will be followed by International Fact-checking Day, a great occasion to do some media education with your classes, working on fake news. A great way to get pupils thinking about fake news is to ask … Continue reading “April Fools Fact-checking Resources”