Sixty years ago, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which had started on 5 December, 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat, finally ended. It was the first victory for Martin Luther King on the road to civil rights for African Americans. This B1-level article recapitulates the beginnings of the Civil … Continue reading “Civil Rights: The Montgomery Bus Boycott”
Collège and lycée classes can participate in the Sadlier Stokes Prize about Australia’s participation in World War I. Lieutenant Clifford Sadlier and Sergeant Charlie Stokes of the 5th Australia Division, were decorated for their bravery in the Second Battle of Villers-Bretonneux, on 24 April, 1918. The town was strategic in the German plans to attack … Continue reading “Win 1500 Euros for a Class Project About Australia”
Thursday 3 November is anti-bullying day in French schools (Journée nationale “Non au harcèlement”) and 14-18 November is anti-bullying prevention week in the U.K. This selection of sites and videos from across the globe will help you broach this important subject in the classroom. The Education nationale’s Non au harcèlement site has excellent resources in … Continue reading “No to Bullying”
Music legend David Bowie died on 10 January 2016, two days after releasing his latest album, Blackstar, on his 69th birthday. Lazarus, the musical he co-wrote in his last year, is now on in London. We’ve compiled some useful links and resources if you would like to discuss Bowie with your classes. This BBC gallery … Continue reading “David Bowie Webpicks”
Mind42 propose la création et la publication de cartes mentales (ou cartes heuristiques ou mind maps). C’est un outil collectif ou individuel qui aide à organiser tout ce que l’on sait sur un sujet donné en connectant ces éléments par des liens logiques. Mind42 est disponible gratuitement en ligne, sans installation, via un navigateur, sur … Continue reading “Mind42 : créer des cartes mentales en ligne”
Mind42 allows you to create and publish mind maps. It can be used by groups or individuals to organise everything you know on a given topic, listing information and connecting it with logical links. It is free to use online, on a computer, tablet or smartphone. No installation is necessary, just open Mind42 in a … Continue reading “Mind42: Online Mind Mapping Tool”
The Battle of Hastings in 1066 was a major event in English history, which ushered in 400 years of Norman rule of England. After William the Conqueror won the English crown, French became the legal language of England for 300 years. This topic is rich in elements of British culture, and fits perfectly with the … Continue reading “The Battle of Hastings”
This project from the United Nations is really concrete and could work well as part of an EPI with Maths and Geography, or at a more sophisticated level as part of a Lieux et formes du pouvoir or l’idée du progrès theme in lycée, especially with ES classes. It asks pupils to collect statistics about … Continue reading “Collecting Statistics: Class Project on Gender Equality”
Amongst the many events celebrating the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death in 2016, the big one for schools will be 2 December: Shakespeare Lives in Schools Day. Why not participate in a class competition on the theme of Macbeth before 31 October? It could become an animated film for the global celebrations in December. The … Continue reading “Competition: Shakespeare Lives in Schools”
These A2+ and B1-level articles and boxes will enable your pupils to have an overview of the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. It can be an opportunity to compare with elections in other countries (their own country as well as how it is organised in the United Kingdom for example). There are worksheets for A2+ and … Continue reading “Election Time”