Two more Reading Guides for LLCER Terminale are available: Paul Auster’s novel Moon Palace and Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman. Our Reading Guide collection helps you and your students get the most out of their set books with background information, extensive extracts and guided activities to help them understand and analyse the works. … Continue reading “New Reading Guides”
We know from your messages that you’ve been waiting for them… Our first two film guides in the Reading Guide series, Much Ado About Nothing and 12 Angry Men, are now available, as is Jane Eyre. Our film guides accompany students as they watch the film, and provide them with skills for film analysis as … Continue reading “New Reading Guides Available”
We all need a bit of beauty in these difficult times, and the inspiring example of dancers who are continuing to practise their art even in lockdown. And for a literary fix, see how the emotions of great classics like Jane Eyre and The Handmaid’s Tale can be expressed through ballet. Ballet companies from around … Continue reading “World Ballet Day”
We know many of you are patiently waiting for our Reading Guides for the books and films on the LLCER Terminale curriculum. We are going as fast as we can to produce them. To help you while you’re waiting, here is a sneak peak of the guide for Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. Scroll down … Continue reading “The Handmaid’s Tale: Sneak Peek”
Thank you to our many readers who answered our questionnaire on the works you plan to study with your students in LLCER Terminale. And the winners are… Our authors are busy preparing Reading Guides for the most popular works to help your students. Coming in November, two novels and two films: Dystopian novel The Handmaid’s … Continue reading “Reading Guides LLCER Terminale”
Vous avez été nombreux lors de notre webinar pour la spécialité LLCER de demander le programme limitatif d’oeuvres intégrales pour la Terminale. La liste a été publiée au BO du 21 mai 2020. Quelles oeuvres pensez-vous étudier avec vos élèves l’année prochaine ? Le programme de LLCER précise que 3 œuvres intégrales, dont 2 œuvres littéraires … Continue reading “LLCER: quelles oeuvres pour vos Terminales ?”
The 2019 Booker prize has been awarded to two authors: the established star Margaret Atwood for The Testaments and the first ever black woman winner Bernardine Evaristo for Woman, Girl, Other. Atwood’s long-awaited sequel to A Handmaid’s Tale seemed a shoe-in for the prize (although another literary icon, Salman Rushdie was also on the short-list). … Continue reading “Two Books for the Booker”
The literary event of the year in the Anglophone world is Margaret Atwood’s sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale 34 years after the original. The Testaments was released worldwide on 10 September to scenes reminiscent of Harry Potter book launches. Fans queued up at bookshops to buy the book at midnight and enjoy themed events. The … Continue reading “Sequel to “The Handmaid’s Tale””
Festival America, the bi-annual event that celebrates the literature of North America, is back for its 9th edition in Vincennes from 20 to 23 September. It offers a weekend where booklovers will be hard-pushed to choose between all the delights on offer. This year, the focus is on Canada, both Anglophone and Francophone. The U.S.A. … Continue reading “Festival America”
Emma Watson has already hidden feminist books for people to find in New York and London. On June 21 and 22, she distributed 100 copies of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale in Paris. Atwood’s dystopian novel is a feminist classic, and has recently been adapted for a very popular streaming TV series in the U.S. … Continue reading “Emma Watson Hides “The Handmaid’s Tale” in Paris”