Anti-bullying actions are taking place in November in the United Kingdom, in Australia, and in France too. Anti-Bullying Week 2023 is coordinated in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. This year it has the theme “Make A Noise About Bullying” and will take place from Monday 13 to Friday 17 November. The … Continue reading “Bullying Is Never OK”
It’s Anti-Bullying Week in U.K. schools from 15 to 19 November. The theme is kindness, how saying one kind word can potentially break the cycle of bullying. It lends itself well to a language activity on expressing kindness. There are lots of teaching tools on the Anti-Bullying Alliance site. The secondary school lesson plan is … Continue reading “Anti-Bullying Week”
Bite Back 2030 is a campaign led by British young people aiming to redesign what they call the “food system” to put young people’s health first. This resource features an eye-opening social experiment the campaign carried out to show volunteers just how much they were influenced by advertising when it came to making food choices. … Continue reading “Bite Back Food Campaign”
Raise awareness about bullying in November. On the 8th, it’s Anti-Bullying Day in French schools. And it’s Anti-bullying Week in the UK from 12 to 16 November. We look at some student-produced anti-bullying videos and apps that are helping fight the problem. This is the video for the 2017 anti-bullying week but it works better … Continue reading “Students Against Bullying”
Raise awareness about bullying in November. On the 8th it’s Anti-Bullying Day in French schools. And it’s Anti-bullying Week in the UK from 12 to 16 November. Both campaigns are putting a focus on cyberbullying. The theme for this year’s French Anti-Bullying Day is cyberbullying with sexist or sexual content. The main theme for Anti-bullying … Continue reading “Fighting Bullying”
The United Nations has declared June 12 the World Day Against Child Labour. It is estimated that 152 million children have to work for a living, and lose out on education and well-being as a result. Many of them work to produce food or consumer items that we find on our high streets. The number … Continue reading “World Day Against Child Labour”
On 26 January every year, ceremonies are held all over Australia to welcome new citizens as part of Australia Day celebrations. But the 2018 national day was overshadowed by debates about citizenship, and about finding a date for Australia Day that is less offensive to Aboriginal people. Citizenship was a major issue in the Australian … Continue reading “Australian Identity Crisis”
For the United Nations World Day Against Child Labour on June 12, or any other time you want to discuss this important topic in class, here are some teaching resources for different levels. The Australian NGO Worldvision has a teaching resource on child labour with downloadable worksheets and photo stories. Several of the topics have … Continue reading “Teaching about Child Labour”
Reconciliation Australia is an NGO set up to facilitate reconciliation between the wider Australian population and Indigenous Australians. They have a very attractive learning section on their Share Our Pride website which includes the following videos. It’s perfect for a theme about Indigenous Australians and/or Sorry Day. This is a relatively simple, short explanation (less … Continue reading “Sorry Day Teaching Resources”
For more than 150 years, tens of thousands of Australian Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their families and communities. On 26 May, Australia recognises and commemorates this injustice on Sorry Day. Policies of “assimilating” indigenous children started early in the British colonial period in the nineteenth century. It accelerated and became more systematic from … Continue reading “Saying Sorry”