U.S. Elections: the Year of the Unknowns

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 21 September 2020 > In the News

It’s already been an unusual election year in the U.S.A., with the later Democratic primaries cancelled because of Covid and delayed party conventions held online. As the virus continues to progress in the U.S.A., what are the possible consequences for the election?  The parties are continuing as near to normal as they can. The focus, … Continue reading “U.S. Elections: the Year of the Unknowns”

His Life Mattered

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 03 June 2020 > In the News

Widespread protests have again broken out in the U.S.A. after the death of an African-American man in police custody. George Floyd, 46, was arrested in Minneapolis, Minnesota on 25 May on suspicion of passing forged money. During his arrest, a police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, despite Mr Floyd protesting … Continue reading “His Life Mattered”

Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 21 April 2020 > In the News

Governments, ministers and authorities around the world are asking their populations to make sacrifices in the fight to contain Covid-19. In New Zealand, the government and public-service leaders are showing that they really will share the efforts they are asking others to make. On 15 April, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced that she, her ministers … Continue reading “Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is”

Bye-bye Bernie

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 09 April 2020 > In the News

On 8 April Bernie Sanders suspended his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, effectively opening to road to Joe Biden to become the party’s official candidate for the White House in November’s election. The two men were the surviving candidates in the primary campaign, but Mr Sanders’ delegate numbers were looking weak before the disruption … Continue reading “Bye-bye Bernie”

International Fact-Checking Day

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 01 April 2020 > Shine Bright Lycée Webpicks

International Fact-Checking Day is on 2 April – the day after the annual feast of benign fake news stories and hoaxes that is April Fool’s Day. It promotes fact-checking to combat malicious fake news around the world. The day is organised by the International Fact-Checking Network, a team of journalists around the world coordinated by … Continue reading “International Fact-Checking Day”

April Fools

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 24 March 2020 > Celebrate

Traditionally, on April Fools Day, the media in the English-speaking world love to run hoax stories. But in these days of fake news, how easy will it be to tell the April Fools from the usual run of internet rumours on 1 April? Luckily, April Fools Day is followed by International Fact-checking Day. Which of … Continue reading “April Fools”

Getting Closer to the White House

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 13 March 2020 > In the News

From a diverse field of almost thirty candidates, the campaign to find the Democratic candidate to oppose Donald Trump in November’s election has narrowed to a choice between frontrunners representing the left and the right of the party. The 2016 Democratic primary season started with just three candidates, including two rather atypical frontrunners: Hillary Clinton, … Continue reading “Getting Closer to the White House”

Polar Adventurer Video Resources

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 12 March 2018 > Webpicks

Sixteen-year old Jade Hameister from Melbourne, Australia, has undertaken a series of physical challenges from climbing to the base camp on Mount Everest to skiing to the North and South Poles. She is also an inspiring speaker and wants to encourage other young people, and particularly girls, to have the courage to test themselves, even … Continue reading “Polar Adventurer Video Resources”

Word of the Year: Fake News

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 10 November 2017 > In the News

Each autumn, Britain’s Collins Dictionary announces a Word of the Year, a word or expression that has been omnipresent. For 2017, the WOTY is “fake news”, a term often associated with President Trump. The expression was used a lot during the election campaign. Since his inauguration in January, President Trump has brandished it regularly, on … Continue reading “Word of the Year: Fake News”