The Queen Goes Green

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 24 April 2018 > In the News

Britain’s Prince Charles has long been recognised for his involvement in ecology. Now the Queen is turning to conservation, protecting forests all over the Commonwealth, from a tiny 2.5 hectare site in Antigua and Barbuda to the 6.4 million hectares of the Great Bear Rainforest in Canada. The Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy originated in an idea … Continue reading “The Queen Goes Green”

Free Ecology Poster

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 20 April 2018 > Celebrate

The theme for this year’s Earth Day, 22 April, is “End Plastic Pollution”. This poster from the U.S. Department of State puts the focus on ecological problems caused by plastic waste in our oceans, and the dangers it presents for marine creatures. The poster is a great starting point for a class on plastic in … Continue reading “Free Ecology Poster”

Al Gore: Still Saving the Planet

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 27 September 2017 > What's On

In 2006, the documentary The Inconvenient Truth made Al Gore into the most prominent ecologist on the planet. Gore won a Nobel Prize for its impact on public opinion about climate change. Ten years on, An Inconvenient Sequel shows the positive changes that have been made, and Gore’s tireless work in continuing to promote solutions … Continue reading “Al Gore: Still Saving the Planet”


Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 07 April 2017 > Ready to Use

This A2+-level article sheds light on ways to take part in environmental issues, through the eyes of a teenage Native American boy very committed to ecology. As well as A2+ activities, we have suggested some B1 extensions and videos for use with mixed-level or more advanced classes. This is  an excellent topic for an EPI … Continue reading “Eco-Warrior”

Videos of a Teenage Eco-Warrior

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 05 April 2017 > Webpicks

Discovering this teenage Native American environmental activist, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, is inspiring on many levels. It fits well into themes of ecology, protest songs, indigenous cultures or young people taking action. We have provided an A2+-B1 downloadable article and activities in the Ready to Use Resources section. These videos can extend the sequence. The first 2:20 … Continue reading “Videos of a Teenage Eco-Warrior”