Brown v. the Board of Education in 1954 is remembered in the U.S. as a landmark moment in the fight for civil rights. The segregated school that seven-year-old Linda Brown attended while the case for desegregation made its way through the courts is now a National Park Service Historic Site. These videos and websites are … Continue reading “School Integration Webpicks”
On Jeans for Genes Day, 22 September, many people across the UK wear jeans to school or work to raise money and awareness of genetic disorders. The Jeans for Genes charity provides excellent videos telling the stories of children living with the disorders. We’ve made a selection suitable for class use. This film is only … Continue reading “Jeans for Genes Teen Videos”
Robin Hood is great way into British history as pupils can build on their prior knowledge of the character. If you are working on Robin Hood as part of a medieval theme, with the Robin Hood Festival in Nottingham, or as a theatre activity, these videos provide vocabulary help and food for thought. This one-minute … Continue reading “Robin Hood Videos”
Discovering this teenage Native American environmental activist, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, is inspiring on many levels. It fits well into themes of ecology, protest songs, indigenous cultures or young people taking action. We have provided an A2+-B1 downloadable article and activities in the Ready to Use Resources section. These videos can extend the sequence. The first 2:20 … Continue reading “Videos of a Teenage Eco-Warrior”
Tuesday 7 February is Safer Internet Day. On that day, and every day, it’s time to get pupils thinking about what they post on the Internet, and what it says about them. This year’s campaign focuses on images. Online life is an important part of the parcours du citoyen, and l’éducation aux médias et à … Continue reading “Safer Internet Day”
The British Council has produced various films to celebrate the anniversary, modern, short versions inspired by elements of Shakespeare’s plays. Some are difficult for learners, language-wise, but we’ve selected these two for class use. Plus an interactive film from Shakespeare’s Globe. This film is a satirical homage to Hamlet, and the main character is a … Continue reading “Shakespeare Lives in Schools Webpicks”
Thursday 3 November is anti-bullying day in French schools (Journée nationale “Non au harcèlement”) and 14-18 November is anti-bullying prevention week in the U.K. This selection of sites and videos from across the globe will help you broach this important subject in the classroom. The Education nationale’s Non au harcèlement site has excellent resources in … Continue reading “No to Bullying”
Armistice Day, or Remembrance Day, commemorates the end of World War I on “the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month”: 11 November 1918. In the UK, Canada and Australia, it is synonymous with the Poppy Appeal to raise money for war veterans. This page written for British primary school kids has a very easy … Continue reading “Poppy Day on the Web”
Music legend David Bowie died on 10 January 2016, two days after releasing his latest album, Blackstar, on his 69th birthday. Lazarus, the musical he co-wrote in his last year, is now on in London. We’ve compiled some useful links and resources if you would like to discuss Bowie with your classes. This BBC gallery … Continue reading “David Bowie Webpicks”
If you’re looking for a fun language activity before the holidays, how about transforming your pupils into dancing zombies? For the tenth year running, Thrill the World will try to break its own world record for the biggest simultaneous dance to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”: 22,596 people around the world! The song’s video with Jackson doing … Continue reading “A “Thrilling” Halloween”